Thursday, 17 October 2013

Movie - Elysium

Elysium is a film that released in August this year. It is a science fiction action-thriller film written , co-produced and directed by Neill Blomkamp. The flim is about both ravaged Earth and a luxurious space habitat called Elysium which it only allowed rich people to live in there and poor people only allowed to live in Earth. 

on the left is Earth, i assume that everyone knows that right? 
on the right is Elysium, the place that everyone wants to go. 

The main starring of this movie is Matt Damon and Jodie Foster. 

 Matt Damon. 

Matt Damon is just an ordinary guy in earth and work to live his life. But he have a dream that he will go to Elysium one day since he was small. He always thought that Elysium is a beautiful place and he wanted to live in there and no more struggle in his life. 

Jodie Foster, another main starring of this movie.

Jodie Foster is one of the controller of Elysium. She does not allow anyone and spaceship from Earth enter Elysium with strict security. She is very selfish woman and she planned to owned the whole Elysium. 

The story start off with when Matt is still young and he have a girl partner because both of them are orphan. Both of them have a dream that they wanted to go to Elysium when they grow up later. Matt promised her that he will bring her to Elysium one day. But they were separated after they grew up. Matt live alone and he worked so hard to raise himself. His job is in a radiancy factory to build the robots. 

One day, when he was doing his job as usual, sending the robots into the radiancy box. Suddenly, an incident happened which the door was stucked and the leader asked him to go inside and fix it up to not to delay the work. He refused but the leader told him he will fire him as a threatened. Matt decided to go inside to fix the door up because he got no choice. The door was fixed but unfortunately the door closed right after he fixed it. Matt was locked inside the radioactive box and his whole body got radiation cause the leader does not want to rescue him although he saw he was locked inside. Luckily, there are some other people rescued him out. 

There are saying that people who affected by the radiation will die after few days. Matt can't even walk properly and he was scared that he will die. Then, he was crazily finding ways to go to the Elysium because there is a machine that can cure all the diseases or sickness. 

this is the machine that all the poor people who are sick from the Earth want it.
People who want to get cure by this machine must have a Elysium residence id. 

  the guy on the left is Spider, Matt's friend.

Spider is the one who organize an spaceship company for poor people to go to Elysium. He got every equipment and devices to connect the spaceship. Matt went to ask for help from Spider because he do not want to die so easily in Earth. The tickets of the spaceship are not cheap and Matt does not have money to pay. So Spider offered him a job which is he want Matt to go to Elysium and change the whole system and let everyone in Earth can go to Elysium. 

Besides, Spider also help Matt to put on a so called costume on his body to support him as he is dying soon. As you can see from the movie poster at the beginning, there is a mini screen behind his head, that is where Spider gonna put a memory card in it and let Matt bring to Elysium and the memory card is the key to change the whole system. 

this is how Matt looks like after he got the costume on. 

the woman is the one with Matt when they are still young. 
Her daughter was having a illness that needed the machine to cure it. 

After a long war, finally Matt, Spider and the woman with her daugther got to go in Elysium because he exchange his memory card with Jodie as the memory card got the information that Jodie wants so badly. Unfortunately, Jodie died before she get the information she wants and she failed to become the people who control the Elysium. 

In the end, Matt changed the system successfully and now the Elysium are belongs to everyone no matter they are poor or rich. Matt sacrificed his life to save all the people from Earth. He fullfilled his own dream that he want to go to Elysium one day but he does not have the time to live and enjoy it. 

I have watched this movie and i think that the movie is good although it's a little bit of violence and disgusting but it still touched me at the last part. I will suggest you to watch if you havent watch yet :D 

Credits to Siow Ping 

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